Sunday, July 27, 2014

Quick Update

Hello, everyone!  Things are definitely picking up here, so I'll try to give you a brief overview of what I've been up to!

Class has been great.  Some projects have started up already.  I'm still working on my transition from "summer mode," though, to keep up on homework!

Tuesday was Clubs Day.  Alexis and I visited the Foundry, picking up free stuff and perusing the tables of clubs and societies.  After ducking into the photo booth, I signed up for BioSoc, CathSoc, Pro-Life Canterbury, and the Tramping Club.  Between all of that I managed to pick up magnets, chocolate, a stress ball, mini-doughnuts, and a hot chocolate.  I would say the afternoon was definitely worth our while!

On Wednesday we also visited the Staff Club for the BioSoc pizza party.  Then there was a Tramping (Hiking) Club meeting.  After that, we found free pancakes at the common room and made some new friends there!  New Friend Leslie invited us to a Christmas party on the 25th.  Everyone in the group seemed very nice, and the pancakes were excellent.  All in all, it was a productive and social evening.

Friday was the Christmas party.  It was lots of fun!  Leslie and her friends decorated their house with a tree, paper snowflakes, and Christmas decorations.  There were even plenty of delicious Christmas cookies.  It was very relaxed; we socialized with lots of people and sang a few Christmas carols.  It was really a lot of fun.

Today Alexis and I went to the Christchurch city center and walked around the container mall.  I think I mentioned it before.  It's a shopping mall made out of brightly painted shipping containers.  It was a chilly day, so we didn't stay too long; we came back for lunch and made a nice warm meal of spaghetti and meatballs.

That was a quick summary of what I've been up to, just to keep you all in the loop.  I have to run now, but thanks for following my adventures, and don't forget to keep in touch!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Week One Down!

Hello, again.

I just finished my first week of classes, and they have me really looking forward to the next semester.  The topics are intriguing, and I feel like I'll be learning some practical skills as well.  All of my lecturers seem really nice, which is a bonus.  The workload appears to be quite manageable, and I already know when all of my assignments and exams are.  There are a lot of group projects.  I still need to scope out the best study spots.  I've been finding my way around campus just fine, but I'm hoping to map out some shortcuts for rainy days like today.

I'm taking four courses at UC this semester.  SCIM 101 is about Indigenous Knowledge and Science and its place in the world today.  That class will have a lot of guest speakers, so I'll be able to see plenty of perspectives and really explore the scope of the relationship between modern and indigenous science.  My English class is New Zealand Literature.  I got a crash course in New Zealand's literary history, and now we will start exploring the influences and motifs that pervade the literature, as well as prominent authors.  I'm taking two biology courses.  Animal Behavior is very interesting, as we have been looking at case studies.  It's really cool to see the concepts in action in the natural world.  I'm also very excited for New Zealand Biodiversity and Biosecurity.  So far, we have been discussing the geological history of New Zealand and its relationships to the surrounding land masses (since Pangaea and Gondwanaland), and how the geological experiences of Zealandia shaped the flora and fauna found here.  Right now we're looking at a lot more of the flora.  Like I said, all of the classes look to be very interesting and exciting.  If anyone wants to know about the topics, I'd be happy to tell you more, but don't worry, I won't go on and on about them here (because you should all know what happens once you ask me to talk about plants!).

The flat is lively, as ever.  There have been a lot of parties in the group of apartments, which confuses me slightly.  I didn't realize that Wednesday and Thursday nights were big party nights!  I suspect that it may have something to do with Winterlude, the second semester re-orientation events going on around now, before anyone has too much homework.  Alexis and I had a "party" yesterday--we got (excellent) burgers at a local spot called Velvet Burger, then worked on a tub of ice cream while watching New Zealand soap operas.  It was a nice way to relax after the first week of class.

We were hoping to get out this weekend, but it looks a little rainy, so we'll see how things go!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Day at the Beach!


Today Alexis and I hopped on the bus and rode out to New Brighton to visit the beach.  Riding through the city center, we got to have a good look at how Christchurch was impacted by the earthquake of a few years ago, and how it is bouncing back.  Some fancy-looking old buildings were crumbled, but bright, modern structures are springing up.  We passed the Container Mall (called Re:Start), which is a mall made out of shipping containers painted in bright, primary hues.  We glimpsed the Transitional Cathedral as well, a building that functions as both a place of worship and as a venue for concerts and events.  The area seems to be focused on local flavor and rediscovering itself as something modern and unique.  Alexis and I made extensive mental lists of things to see here on our next day out.

After a bit, we found ourselves on the New Brighton Beach, and we spent the next couple of hours just walking down the shore.  The sand was dark and dotted with bright white shells.  A lot of friendly dogs came up to say hello to us as we walked.  It was sunny and warm with a nice breeze off the water:  a perfect day to stroll down the beach!
We spent some time walking on a ridge in the dunes just above the beach.  It was adorned with tall grass and a waxy-looking plant that hugged the ground and had round, stringy flowers.  I didn't recognize it.

 Alexis and I stopped at a bench almost submerged in sand to split a sandwich and some chips.  Then we moved down onto the beach itself, where we found plenty of driftwood to play on!  We (I) climbed the branches of huge trees that had been whitewashed by the waves and sun and had come to rest far up the beach.  Some of the wood lay on its side, huge and white against the sand, full trees.  Some of it, however, had been propped up like standards to mark the top of the beach.  Some smaller pieces were stacked into a nest or a teepee.  All was fun to play with, or just to look at.

By the time we reached the South Shore point, we were pretty pooped.  We caught the bus back through town, came back, and sprawled in my room for a bit to recover!  It was a great day out, and it was really good to see more of the city.  Looking forward to my next adventures!

Classes start tomorrow; wish me luck!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sizzle in the Drizzle

Hello, all!  I'm still waiting for classes to start, but yesterday Alexis and I had a pretty good time walking around campus on Enrollment Day collecting free stuff.  There was a hotdog cookout (or "sausage sizzle"), and plenty of free cookies!  When Alexis asked one person at a table for any free stuff, he gave us four cans of pop and the rest of his Muesli (granola) bars.  We also received two tote bags, which were very helpful for carrying our loot home.
On our way back to our apartments, we were about to cross the road when a car did a U-turn, rubbed up against the curb and popped off both hubcaps!  He then sped off in the opposite direction.  We crossed, removing the hubcaps from traffic and putting them on the side of the road, and wondered at the strange and unfamiliar driving habits on this side of the world!
A word on the local wildlife:  the Ilam apartments are home to a flock of very vocal pigeons.  These pigeons have a habit of landing under our windows and producing the strangest cooing I have experienced.  Sometimes they wheeze.  Sometimes they growl.  Occasionally they sound like normal pigeons.
So those are my adventures so far.  Excited for class to start Monday!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Adventures in NZ!

Hello everyone!  I finally got this video to load.  Yay!  I think it will be a higher quality than the Fiji one, since I didn't have to compress it.  Some of the pics are on Facebook, but there are some new ones in here, too, and a few movies.  It details my adventures since arriving in NZ alongside epic music so you can feel adventurous, too!  I hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for watching, and don't forget to keep me updated on your own adventures.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Settling in and looking around

Hello, again.  I hope everyone had a great 4th of July!  For our Fourth, we were given candy in exchange for doing something American.  Alexis and I said the Pledge of Allegiance in unison.

The past few days I've been walking around Christchurch, getting the lay of the land.  First we saw local shops and banks, then we explored the bus system.  Today I found my way to the nearby church and in the afternoon we visited Christchurch's botanic gardens.  Still can't wait for classes to start.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


So here I am in Christchurch.  Waiting.  Nothing is started up yet, though it will soon, so Alexis and I have just been wandering around, exploring a bit and trying to keep ourselves entertained.  This has lead to a Pixar movie marathon in an empty common room, as well as ping-pong and pool games that highlight our lack of grace and skill.  I've put some pictures on facebook, if you'd like to check there, since I don't have a New Zealand collection put together for the blog, yet.  Soon things will be starting up, though, and I'll have more interesting stories to share!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Adventures in Fiji! Now in Technicolor!

I just threw this together so you guys could see a part of my adventures so far!  (Caution--contains music)  Coming Soon:  Adventures in NZ.

NZ Adventures, Finally Here.

So a couple of days ago we traveled to Rotorua, which has volcanic activity like hot springs throughout the city.  The whole place smells like sulfur.  On the way there, we went Zorbing! (Technically, with the company we used, it was OGOing, or in my case, H2OGOing).  They put warm water in the ogo/zorb, a big ball suspended by cables within a bigger ball, then we jumped in and they rolled us down the hill.  It was so much fun!  I've been waiting for almost ten years to zorb, I think, and I was not disappointed.  It was great.

In the city we drove past a lake with black swans, past a fancy Tudor building that evidently used to be "the baths," and near a hot spring that stood right in the town.  We had dinner, then put our swimsuits back on for whitewater rafting!
It was pretty chilly, so they gave us fleeces and wetsuits to keep us warm.  Then we rafted the river.  It was very pretty.  The water was a swirling teal blue, and the river was banked by mossy rocks under graceful ferns.  I was in the front with Alexis.  We rafted the highest commercially rafted waterfall at 21 feet!  The water at the bottom was like a slap to the face as we went over, and the entire raft went under water before bobbing back up to the top.  We made it!  Evidently people often flip on that waterfall.  We kept rafting the rapids farther down the river and even went over one smaller fall while standing up!

In the evening we visited the Polynesian Spa, which tapped into the local hot springs.  It felt really nice in the warm water, but it did smell strongly of sulfur, so we all were sure to shower afterward!

Finally, I flew on the last leg of my journey and ended up here in Christchurch.  I haven't seen much yet, but I can tell you my room is pretty awesome.  But I don't want to be an adult!  Buying groceries yesterday was a little depressing!  Now we're getting enrolled and settled in, and I'll have some free time before things really get under way.  I made a video of my trip to Fiji, so I'll see if I can get that to load so you guys can have a better idea of what I've been talking about.  TTFN!