Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The View from (almost) Heaven

On Saturday I joined the Verso L'alto Catholic Tramping Club for a hike up Mt. Richardson.  I was super excited to finally get out into the snow-capped peaks I had only glimpsed from the library windows.  (Seriously, how can you work with a view like that?)

We drove to the base of the mountain and started up the track.  Fr. Clement lead the way.  The trail was quite steep in places, and the wet ground was rather slick, but the weather was beautiful for hiking.  Along the way we heard a great variety of birds, perhaps most notably the tui. A black fungus covered many of the trees, and this was a stark contrast with the pale greens of their leaves and a flowing moss that clung to their branches like cotton.  Soon we reached the snowy top of the mountain, though the weather was still warm and sunny.  With the shorter summit trees, it had the look of an enchanted corridor.  Father started throwing snowballs, but we pressed on until we came out at the very top, above the trees.

 I forgot my camera, so thanks to Becca for the pictures!  The view was breathtaking.  For a long time I just stood in the snow and stared at the snowy peaks around me, smiling into the sunshine.  I took a couple of tiny pictures with my little NZ phone--one is my new background--but mainly I just looked out over the mountains.
We waited for the rest of the group to climb up.  It was really nice, since we had a wide range of tramping skill levels.  Everyone climbed at different rates, and often people moved forward or backward within the group, so I got to chat with almost everyone who came.

 When everyone had gathered we had Mass in the snow at the top of the mountain.  It was heavenly.  Father's homily discussed the purity of the snow on the peak, and how it reflects the sun back even brighter.  In the same way, a pure heart reflects God's light.  It was a wonderful gift to celebrate in the clean air above the world.

After Mass we had lunch (doesn't food always taste better outside?), then hiked along the ridge for a bit.  Father Clement went wild throwing snowballs and singing.  I was pretty caught up in the Lord of the Rings-like scenery all around me!  Hiking through the melting snow, soon my shoes were soaked through, but everything else was so great that I didn't mind at all.  Some of the smaller mountains we hiked around reminded me a bit of the Berkshires.  I only wish I knew more of the trees and birds.  Hopefully I'll acquire that knowledge as I go along!

In short, it was a great day out for a tramp!  I'm really glad I finally got out to see those snow-capped mountains that enchant me from my window!  It was truly a blessing to spend time with the club, and I can't wait for our next outing!

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